
Website Information

As we move forward with our new online store, there are a few things for you to remember as our valued customers:

  • Say Howdy 
    Call us anytime, or drop us a line at for inquiries regarding parts orders, online ordering, or for technical advice. No matter what the job, we pride ourselves in guiding our customers to success,  without overselling parts you don't need. As Mitch himself says, "I treat people the way I want to be treated". That's how we all see it here. Visit our Business Policy for more information.
  • Social Networking, Newsletter and Mailing List
    Be sure to sign up. We won't waste your time with annoying emails, and we won't release or resell your info either. We simply want to reach out to keep you informed of new parts we've received, industry news, technical information and service bulletins. Mitch, and the info he's collected over the years, is priceless. And we want to share. Look for us on Facebook and Twitter too.
  • Online Store
    As you can imagine, getting our new store online in its entirety is quite a challenge. We are working hard to get pictures of all parts online. As of now we are adding a few hundred new pictures a week. Even at that, it'll take us about a year to get through our entire inventory! So, if you're curious about a part, it's variants or technical details, drop us a line and we'll do everything we can to get you taken care of by supplying pictures and details that will get you what you need.
  • Guide To Online Ordering 
    In this business, there's a lot to know. Our goal is to not just sell you parts, but to educate you as well. In that vein, this guide will help you with our part numbers, variants, and updates to the online ordering system. Also, over the years, there have been many changes in part numbers, manufacturers, etc. If you search an old part number, our system will most likely list the new part number and direct you to the part(s) we have in stock that fit the bill. Nonetheless, we hope the guide helps. Please don't hesitate to get in touch if you still have questions.
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